NH State Rep, Strafford District 7
Contact: davmarherman@gmail.com
Support David’s CampaignAbout David Herman
I am a husband, parent, homeowner, retiree, and volunteer. I am a member of the Rochester City council and the position of Selectman for Ward 3. I am guided by respect for all people – even the ones that disagree with me.
I have resided in Paraguay in South America, Melbourne in Australia, in various states including Alaska and on Native American tribal lands. I have gained a wide perspective of issues we all face. I have a master’s degree in mathematics. I taught at both the high school and college level math classes before working 26 years as a computer programmer at the US Forest Service. My best class was in Australia where the students worked together to ensure that all their classmates succeeded. This convinced me that by working together we are stronger.
I enjoy traveling. I have visited all 50 states and lived in 8 of them. I have lived in 3 countries and visited over 30 countries.
Since retiring in 2005, I have prepared taxes as a volunteer for AARP Tax-Aide. I am impressed with how thankful people are to have help with their taxes, given how complicated our changing federal tax system is. I lead spiritual discussion groups at the Strafford County jail. This has given me insight into the wide range of persons in our jail system. I try to help them to know themselves and to take responsibility for their actions. For the last 25 years, my wife and I have grown most of our own food. So, I am aware of how the climate is changing the growing patterns in Rochester.
Public service is my way to give back to the community for all that I have been given. I am grateful for liberty and voice. I ask for your support, and, if elected, I will serve and represent the people of Rochester.
Priority Issues
Protecting Democracy and Voting Rights
The freedom to choose our leaders and speak up for what we believe in is foundational to American democracy. Our democracy works best when all citizens participate. Restricting someone’s vote is taking away their freedom.
- I support policies that broaden voter participation and make voting more accessible and convenient. I support modernizing our voter registration and voting processes.
- I reject all attempts to undermine legitimate election results.
- I renounce all attempts at voter suppression, including the use of artificial intelligence, to propagate disinformation. We will fight all measures that make it difficult for any specific population group or individuals to exercise their constitutional right to vote.
- To ensure every vote counts, we support fair and equitable redistricting, free from partisan gerrymandering.
- We support no-excuse absentee voting.
- Election officials play a critical role in ensuring the fairness, accessibility, and accuracy of our elections. I support training, resources, and protections to enable them to do their job.
- In order to safeguard Granite Staters’ rights, civics education should occur at home, in schools, and throughout the community to build awareness and understanding of our democratic institutions.
Affordable Housing
- Workforce housing should be aided by the state.
- Establish a safe place for anyone unhoused to spend their time. Tents are not a good solution.
Reproductive freedom
- A woman has the freedom to choose her healthcare.
- An embryo, until it can breathe for itself, belongs to the mother.
- The government should respect the decisions that the mother makes.
- Public education is the foundation of our free and democratic society. The continuous attacks on public education undermine our democracy and our future. We must protect the fundamental promise of a quality public education for all students.
- All students have the right to access a quality education, from early childhood through post-secondary college or career training.
- Our youth must have access to sexual, reproductive, and mental health education that promotes personal health, social stability, and gender equality.
- Public schools are the first line of defense in New Hampshire’s mental health, substance use disorder, and child protection crises. Behavioral support for students and staff is vital to public education.
- Students should not be prevented from being taught about authentic history and science, accurately and free from partisan politics.
- I reject any attempts to ban books in schools or public libraries. Access to a broad range of perspectives allows for the development of critical thinking skills.
- I appreciate and value our public-school personnel. Our educators are professionally trained and consistently act in the best interest of students.
- I recognize the opportunity gaps between and within our communities. We support policies to equalize education funding and eliminate the gaps for students across income levels and zip codes.
- I reject all efforts to divert public funding to private, religious, or home school education. This is a systemic attack on our public community schools.
- I oppose the deliberate lack of transparency and accountability for public monies distributed outside of the public education system.
- Increased funding for public community colleges and universities is critical.
- I believe that all students should be able to access college or career/technical education without a crushing debt burden.
- Students and staff have the right to teach, learn, and thrive in a safe school environment. We support enforcing anti-bullying, anti-harassment, and anti-discrimination policies and laws.
- I support gun-free schools. We will oppose any attempts to arm staff or militarize schools under the pretense of school safety.
- If covid left a student behind, the State needs fund the help for the student to catch up.
The Strafford County Nursing Home
The Strafford County Nursing home needs to be modernized. All patients must be provided the care needed to maintain their respect and dignity.
- Dementia patients have special needs. As our population ages, the County is seeing more need for providing this service.
- The nursing home needs to provide more services so that the home does not have to maintain empty beds that do not bring in income to the home.
- The nursing home needs to have an outpatient facility so more of our residents can maintain living in their own homes if it is safe for them to do so.
- I support sound, prudent management of our state’s financial resources, understanding that fiscal burdens should not fall most heavily on those with the least financial security.
- I am committed to engaging the public to develop a fiscally sound, transparent, and accountable balanced budget to serve the needs of all Granite Staters.
- I respect both the will of the people and the constitutional requirement of fair and equal taxation.
- I believe an effective and efficient government must provide essential services including supporting the health and safety of our residents, public education, the protection of our environment, access to courts and justice, consumer protection, and the physical infrastructure necessary to maintain a robust economy and expand employment opportunities.
- I believe the state budget must reflect the true costs of assuring an effective and efficient government and be supported by sufficient, sustainable revenue.
- Our federal delegation has worked diligently to bring federal funding to New Hampshire to support important programs. We must not leave these funds unspent.
- I oppose tax policies that result in the reduction of essential programs and services.
- I oppose unfunded mandates and downshifting costs to the local municipalities and property taxpayers.
- Fair to all: We need to pay for what we want and the needs of those who can not afford the basic needs. Our state should not take on tasks that are best left to the federal government. Federal dollars should be used before the state passes these expenditures to the cities.
The climate emergency exacerbates all other issues. It is a monumental impediment to achieving our values of social, economic, and environmental progress, justice, and fairness that are addressed throughout our platform.
- I reject all efforts to deny the validity of science. Environmental change presents a real and imminent threat, and it is our immediate responsibility to proactively address and counter its effects.
- I support the creation of a statewide comprehensive environmental action plan with clearly specified timelines and goals.
- Achieving energy efficiency and economic growth are complementary goals. We believe that thoughtful economic development will protect our environment and create good local jobs, while addressing the climate crisis and ensuring that our natural resources are preserved for future generations.
- Eliminate our dependence on fossil fuels by no later than 2040 by investing in energy efficiency and renewable energy resources, infrastructure, and jobs.
Rights for All
LGBTQ+ persons deserve the freedom to be themselves.
- I will work to remove barriers for members of the LGBTQ+ community in New Hampshire, fight to ensure equal civil rights for these individuals, and advocate for the safety of all LGBTQ+ Granite Staters.
- I affirm the rights of transgender and gender non-binary people of all ages. I will fight to protect equal rights for all individuals in the workplace, housing, community, educational settings, and all public spaces.
- The LGBTQ+ community must have access to physical, behavioral, and mental health care that affirms their identity, gender, and well-being.
- I reject discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals and families in adoption, family planning, and fertility treatments. When and how to start a family is a fundamental individual right.
- The need for LGBTQ+ youth to feel safe at school is crucial for their well-being. Supporting efforts to create inclusive communities creates a stronger, safer New Hampshire.
The Opioid Crisis
Substance Use Disorder is a health issue, and those experiencing it should be treated with dignity and respect. We must invest in expanding the full spectrum of prevention, harm reduction, treatment, and recovery support.
- We need to concentrate on the enforcement efforts on the selling of opioids and not on penalties for users.
- Need to provide paths for recovery and health. Treatment centers need to be available to those that want them, and transportation needs to be available for medical appointments to those without transportation.
Health care including dental care needs to be available and affordable. I hope to see an improved public school system, affordable health care for all, protection for the elderly and help for the needy and the freedom for all individuals to control their lives as they see fit as long as they do the least amount of harm to other. Also, I want a welcoming community supported by fair taxes that pay for what the citizens want. I believe we should attempt to reduce recidivism and improve the lives of those in the correctional system