Radical Right Accountability Project: Who is the Radical Right?

   April 28, 2022

Radical Right: Wrong for NHNew Hampshire works best when individuals, families and businesses can thrive, but a group of radical right extremists that are out of touch with New Hampshire values has infiltrated our State House. Together, we can turn the tide and take back our state!

Know the history and agenda:
A decade ago, the ultra-extreme Free State Project voted on a state to move 20,000 libertarians to, with the stated purpose to take over state government and dismantle it. They chose NH as their target and have been actively moving here and running for office.

The Free State Project seeks to create a libertarian dystopia void of public infrastructure and common laws, and to use their numbers to dramatically change New Hampshire. The Free State Project even threatens to secede from the rest of the country once it meets its initial goals.

Know the legislators:
Based on NH Liberty Alliance candidate endorsements, 72% of House Republicans are aligned with Free Staters or their Libertarian allies – with 25 Free Staters in elected office at the State House right now.

Watch a brief slideshow on the history of the Free State Project »