NH State Rep, Strafford District 10
Email: [email protected]
Gale Bailey is running in the Democratic primary for State Rep on September 10, 2024.
About Gale Bailey
I was born in Washington DC, so you might say I have politics in my blood. Growing up, my parents always stressed the importance of politics and keeping up with the issues. I have lived in New Hampshire for 36 years and I have a close connection to many of issues in our state.
I have worked as a caregiver, both for my mother for eleven years, and then as a career. I currently live in an apartment in Durham, so I am fully aware of the skyrocketing cost of rent. My father worked for the Strafford County Conservation Commission, and over the years, he taught me a great deal about state environmental issues. If you put your trust in me, I promise to work hard and fight for you.
Priority Issues
- AFFORDABLE NEW HOUSING: There is a severe shortage of housing in New Hampshire, and the high demand is driving prices and rents sky high. If elected, I will work to enact legislation which allows for new construction of reasonably-priced housing and apartment complexes.
- AFFORDABLE CHILD CARE: There is a very high demand for child care, but there is a shortfall in the number of facilities, made even worse by some centers shutting down. If we build more centers, parents will have a much easier time affording costs and families won’t be forced out of the state.
- PROTECT AND LEGALIZE ABORTION: A woman’s freedom to choose must be restored in New Hampshire, to protect women’s rights and health.
- INCREASE FUNDING FOR NEW HAMPSHIRE PUBLIC SCHOOLS AND PROGRAMS: We must increase funding for the public school system, as well as important programs like sports and music.
- SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAMS FOR FAMILIES WHO CANNOT PAY: Just because families can’t pay for school meals doesn’t mean they should starve. It really is that simple. State funding for these programs is a must.
Primary Election: September 10, 2024
Gale Bailey is running in the Democratic primary for State Rep on September 10, 2024. There are four seats and five candidates:
This page does not imply an endorsement or favoritism of any kind by the Strafford County Democratic Committee to any Democratic candidate actively engaged in competitive primary contests.